Friday, June 14, 2013

Playing hard to get is something many girls and guys are guilty of during the onset of a new romance. Many would-be relationships fail to even get off the ground beyond this point, because oftentimes one person's "hard to get" behavior gets interpreted as simply a sign of dis-interest.

So how does one tell the difference between a person who wants to be chased, and one who likes the attention, but is not genuinely interested? Here are three common situations that might leave a clue:

Responses to Text Messages?
If the person you like isn't responding to your texts or returning your calls right away, this is not always a sign that he or she is not interested. One girl stated: "For me, I'm horrible about returning calls and texts to my phone. This is often a complaint I hear from most guys when we start dating. But the more time I spend with the guy and more I learn about him, the more effort I'll put toward returning his calls and texts". A prolonged response time can be helpful in getting the other to chase you, but it can also back-fire. Guys are especially sensitive about text turnaround time in the beginning. Girls are generally the opposite. Some guys will immediately take a long response time as a sign of non-interest so use with caution, ladies.

The difference is, when there's a genuine level of interest:
• The person responds, and
• The response reflects a desire to keep the conversation going.

If this is not the case, this is a good indication that he or she is not genuinely interested.

Canceling Plans?
If the person you like cancels plans, this is not always a sign that he or she is not interested. Everyone is subject to scheduling errors or having something come up they must attend to. Surprisingly, several popular books geared towards teaching guys how to get women to chase them even suggest canceling plans as a way to peak a girl's interest.

The difference is that when there is a genuine level of interest:
• The person who cancels makes it a point to reschedule for the two of you to meet on a different date or time, and
• Canceling plans is not something that is typical or regular

If this is not the case, this is a good indication that he or she is not genuinely interested.

Hot and Cold Behavior
If the person you like is hot and cold with their behavior toward you, this is not always a sign that he or she is not interested. This is especially the case where the two of you are co-workers, classmates, or share some type of similar environment.

The difference is that when there's a genuine level of interest:
• He or she wants to know how you're doing and what your day was like, and
• Is respectful of your feelings and doesn't say or do deliberately hurtful things.

If this is not the case, this is a good indication that he or she is not genuinely interested.

The most important thing to consider is, if you have to wonder whether the person you like is genuinely interested in you, this is probably a good sign that he or she is not. Be honest with yourself. It will save you a great deal of time, effort, tears, and heartache. There are plenty of great people out there. Confidently know that if he or she isn't truly interested, it's their loss and not yours!

By Emily A Croushore

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